Monday, July 09, 2007

BC Holiday Phase 1: Fairmont

Part one of our BC holiday was at Fairmont Hot Springs in the Rocky Mountains, where we celebrated a partial family reunion and Jon's Grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. Here are Mel and Lois at the banquet: And here is the haiku which Jon wrote for his tribute (in an effort to be brief):
Sweet kiss on the mouth
While the grandchildren look on
Here I learned of love
But if we back up a second, we must include a shot from the Frank Slide off the Crowsnest Pass, where we hung out for awhile on the way to BC.
Fairmont had one of the most beautiful little waterfalls, here seen from above: Below the waterfall were these terraced pools, and since the water was actually the run off from the hot springs, the water was quite warm. There were two hot-tub sized pools and a larger pool, as well as dozens of puddles for kids to sit in. The view was gorgeous and the water was clear and warm. We spent as much time there as possible.
At the banquet, many tributes were given and a few songs were sung. Jeff wrote, played and sang a great number and Angie proved harmony. It was quite moving (more than the haiku at least). The honour went to the ones who have shown us "a love that is true".
Here are Elijah and Brady with their Great Grandparents. There was a lot of goofing around going on in the vicinity, which explains the smiles.Here they are with Kezia, Linnea, and Ellice, who are the cute daughters of Jon's cousin Brad and his wife Julia. They got a long grand and had a blast.
Here are the relatives awaiting the Canada Day fireworks, which were quite good. It capped off a nice visit in a beautiful location. After this it was off to phase two of the holiday, to be posted later.....

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